Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I Love You.

When was the last time you told your special people (whoever they are) "I love you" and really meant it?

Go do it. But just don't blurt it out. Do something for them that shows that you love them.

I'm not necessarily saying go buy something for them but do something with them or take time out of your busy, busy life to show you really do care. That might just be a few simple words but often we overuse the word "love". That's why I am suggesting you show.

Take her out to coffee. Sit down and watch his favorite sport with him. Hold her bags while she is shopping (no complaining). Make him his favorite pie. It could be a number of things.

My little sister makes people things. Special little things that she thinks they will enjoy, ranging from cards to cookies, paper cranes and little slingshots, signs and drawings.

And they are special.

Not because she went out and spent a load of money but because she sat down, thinking of that one person and did her absolute best effort to make them smile or make them happy. To make them know they are loved.



  1. One thing that I find that shows people you care, is to drop whatever your doing to spend time talking to them and showing them you care.

  2. Yes. I agree. It shows that they are WAY more important than whatever you were doing before.
