Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Blogging Ideas

I am not a great blogger by any means but I have done this for a few years. Although I am not very constant I have done it and I will continue.

And I know other bloggers who struggle like I do, not knowing what to post. That is one of my main problems. So I have come up with a list of prompts that may help people post some stuff and get into blogging (or maybe vlogging) or continue blogging if they have had a dry spell of ideas (and I will probably use these myself because I am cool like that).

I made one for each week of the year!!!!!!

  1. Blog about a time when you got lost
  2. Write a review of your favorite book or movie
  3. Compare your favorite sport to your least favorite sport and try and write about why you like one and dislike the other
  4. Have siblings? Well there are things called "eldest child syndrome", "middle child syndrome" and "youngest child syndrome". Look them up according to your placement in the family and write about whether or not you think it matches you (and then ask your family)
  5. What Shakespeare play do you hear the most reference to? And what lines?
  6. Write about about one time when you were in an emergency and what happened and what you did
  7. Tell the story about one time when you were babysitting and something went wrong
  8. Talk about one time when you were deliciously scared (like ghost stories in the woods) and then compare it to one time when you were really scared (like being home alone at night and hearing noises down stairs or something)
  9. Tell us about your favorite dessert
  10. Blog a fun story from your childhood
  11. Had an interesting day? Tell us!
  12. Make a post about all the injuries you have  had
  13. What was your favorite thing to play when you were younger?
  14. What is on your bucket list?
  15. Favorite names for kids (and if you're a writer, characters) and why
  16. Write a rant about the incorrect spellings that make you the maddest (is it there, their? to, two, too? Yeah, ya, yay?)
  17. What is something you think people need to hear? (something positive)
  18. What do you want to say to people?
  19. Blog about one time when you got blamed for something that wasn't your fault.... that may still make you just the least bit angry.....
  20. Blog about your most favorite family vacation!
  21. Make a blog post of your favorite photos and talk about what each one means to you
  22. What did you do the last time you got together with friends?
  23. Have you ever been in/witnessed a car accident? Tell us the story
  24. Tell about your pet peeve
  25. Blog about the best snow day you ever had (post photos if you have them)
  26. Have you ever won anything? What was it and how excited were you?
  27. What is one of your biggest life goals?
  28. You have three wishes! What will you ask for?
  29. Retell your favorite childhood fairytale  
  30. Whip up your favorite snack or dessert  recipe and take pictures as you go. And then post the photos and recipe!
  31. Compare a movie that was based off a book to the actual book. Which was better?
  32. Write about your three favorite songs and why you like them
  33. Blog about what you do on Super Bowl Sunday
  34. Type up your opinion on Frozen (and seriously don't be a nitpicker)
  35. Make a quiz for yourself and answer it (and pretend like you're being interviewed or something)
  36. Tell us about the best pet you've ever had
  37. Find pictures of yourself as a baby and post. Easy right? That's for a brain dead day
  38. Blog about the best birthday you ever had
  39. Make a list of ten weird things about your family
  40. What is your favorite family tradition?
  41. What do you do on the weekends? And if it depends on the weather then tell each scenario. And then share your ideal weekend. 
  42. Mountains vs. the ocean, make a list of pros and cons!
  43. Write a post about King Elessar and kittens
  44. Write a quiz about your favorite fandom
  45. Make a list of your favorite Disney princesses (and then make one of your favorite Disney couples)
  46. What scene in UP made you cry the most?
  47. Favorite TV show! And then favorite season and favorite episode. And why. Always say why.
  48. Write a parody of Do you Want to Build a Snowman
  49. Take a bunch of photos of yourself in hats and post. Post many. Hats are awesome
  50. Blog about the origin of hashtags. Make it up and make it interesting
  51. If there was another option for eye color (other than blue, green, gray, brown or purple) what would you make it be and why?
  52. Write a heartfelt remembrance on the past year
A blog post idea, one for every week of the year! Have fun!!

If you use one of my prompts comment on this post, tell me which prompt you used, leave a link and I'll check it out!

Also, let me know if you have any other recommendations to add!


  1. Great prompts! I can't wait to hear about all these things this year. :D
