Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Kids Need to Know!

This kid with a blooooog is posting her list. :)

  1. Being you is the best thing to be!
  2. You don't have to pretend that you're not scared of something you're really scared of. Everyone (and I mean everyone) has huge fears of some sort or another, whether they admit it or not.
  3. Do what you love! So what if it's "not cool"; make it cool! You decide what cool is!
  4. Wear it! Wear your favorite outfit! And rock it! And if anyone says they dislike it they can pound sand.
  5. Read old books people! Don't just read the new popular things! You're missing out on so much!
  6. Be kind! Not nice... that's totally different but be kind.
  7. Write in a journal! You forget stuff and when you go back and read things you wrote three, five or twenty years ago it is priceless! 
  8. Be friends with your siblings. No kidding. They should be at the top of your friends list and you know why? This year and in ten, twenty years guess who you are spending Christmas with. Food for thought. ;)
  9. Sing your favorite songs really loud and dance. It's good for you. 
  10. Talk to God. Seriously. He's awesome.
  11. Enjoy life. There's a reason that you're here and you should love that. I'm not saying go through life with nothing in your head but be happy that you get a chance to live the life you do.
  12. Don't lose your creativeness! I don't care what you say, you are creative.


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